“Get Ready” Based on the Virtual On Logo.

Martin Vasquez


I like making stuff from time to time. And if you’ve followed me for long enough, I’m sure you’ve noticed that yourself. I started by making Deus Ex Otaku itself, as an anime and gaming enthusiast blog. Then I tried making a game, with an accompanying production podcast to go with it. Of course, I had some occasional concept art to go with it, but now I want to create some standalone art, and if possible, maybe even make some merch at the same time.

The logo for Virtual On

So with that, I give you “Get Ready”, a piece of word art inspired by Sega’s Virtual On. It’s among my favorite video games of all time, and I felt it would make a good starting point for a collection of work. I can’t count the amount of times I’ve sat at that arcade cabinet, battling space robots to catchy, old-school Sega music. Even today, I try to go back and play it whenever I get a chance.



Martin Vasquez

I’m a writer/photographer focusing on travel and digital culture. Follow me on Twitter @therealvasquez or on my website at martinjvasquez.com..